The supernatural world is the realm that lies beyond the Veil.
Here creatures of magic stalk the land, while beings once worshipped as gods scheme to regain their lost glory.
The supernatural world is divided into realms. Among them are:
The Land of Faerie
Ruled over by the Sidhe courts. Summer and Winter duel in an eternal struggle their waxing and waning influences the weather of the Earth itself. Diverse are the magical creatures that call this realm home.
Faerie is the largest of the realms beyond the veil, it's expansive borders serve as a demarcation zone between warring gods.
Ruled over by Zeus and Hera this pantheon of Gods frequently interfere in the affairs of mankind in the hope of stoking a return to their former glory. Those in the pantheon who feel this is not attainable scheme against their feuding family members to increase their own domain at the expense of their washed up siblings. Each deity in the pantheon presides over different elements and pursuits common to mankind.
Zeus rules the heavens, Poseidon rules the seas, and Hades lords over the Underworld.
Seth Caldwell briefly visits both Poseidon and Hades' domains during the Trial of Ares. The Urban Arcanology series explores the relationship between several of these mythic beings.
Home of the Aesir, and the seat of power of the Norse Gods.
Asgard and the Aesir will be explored in detail in a coming series. Stay tuned!
The Abyss
Beyond the realms of organized matter lies the Abyss. In its darkness, chaos reigns.
The antithises of life, the darkness and the creatures who inhabit it, seek only to expand their domain with no regard for those who inhabit them. Fortunately, the supernatural world exists to hold them in check. Without it, demons and creatures of darkness would spill unchecked into the mortal plane.